Thursday, June 24, 2010

From the beginning

If there is anyone out there following "Mum's Diary" I have decided to start again from the beginning of the family with the direction of Mum she can be the editor.
Mum told me something today that she said she has not told anyone except her Mother and that was that she wanted to be a Nun. Very interesting, I would not be writing this if she was!!! Now I can understand why Nanna took her out of College and sent Val her Sister (who only lasted a few weeks before running away) there. A method in Nanna's madness, hooray for Nanna I love her even more.

Mum and I will get together once a week and start the new blog, there is just so much interesting material to publish, court details of our convict ancestor, his Ticket of leave, pictures of early irons, & telephones etc. Then once we have done the early lives ofthe family I will continue on with Mum's Diary and include present day family life.
I hope the one or 2 of you following will be so excited about all this I know I am.

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